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The Durst Case Scenario

Location: Chico Women's Club East 3rd St
  • 8:00pm Friday, June 19, 2015

"THE DURST CASE SCENARIO" written and performed by Will Durst.
Special Guests Merry Standish Comedy!

“So funny… I found myself on the verge of uncontrollable, hysterical laughter. His observations are hilarious.” Jean Schiffman- San Francisco Examiner

“I can’t remember being more amused by anything in years.” Woody Weingarten- Berkeley Patch.

$15 Tickets available at Duffy's Tavern in downtown Chico or by clicking here. Doors open at 7pm, Show at 8pm

Fresh on the heels of his critically acclaimed “BoomeRaging: From LSD to OMG!” is legendary Bay Area comedian Will Durst’s newest show, THE DURST CASE SCENARIO. In his new show, Durst, the man the New York Times calls “quite possibly the best political comedian in the country,” switches directions to explore our modern world and how to extricate ourselves from the lethal entanglements that loom like blimp shadows over our near future. In this lightning paced show, Durst plumbs the pitfalls of contemporary life chronicling the new state- of- the- art weapons we’ve invented and questioning the pride we’ve taken for being accomplices in our own potential extinction. It’s the Zombie Apocalypse but the undead are wearing clown noses. Armageddon with a laugh track. Ably assisted by his trusty overhead projector, and blessed with his unique and extraordinary talent for engaging the audience, Durst utilizes pungent observations and courageous honesty, in segments such as the Bright Side of Global Warming, Password Hell, Attack of the Raging Hipsters and the Religion of Recycling. The Durst Case Scenario is whimsical and droll and playful and ludicrous and silly and serious and mischievous. Smart, clean and uplifting. A unique theatrical event delivered with stand- up timing and not less than a modicum of poetry.

Aaron Standish and Liz Merry have been writing and performing together since 1990. Their shows include topical, local, political, and mature audience material. They recently opened for legendary Bay Area comedian Will Durst in Red Bluff--what a coincidence!

For more info go to Merry Standish Comedy on Facebook or

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