
"I started Two Penny Opera in 1998. My friend Rick Carr called me and asked me if I wanted to do a show. They had an opening and needed to fill it. I hadn’t really thought about it and he caught me by surprise. I agreed and 2PO has become a way of life for me ever since. Originally there were a few other people helping out, including John D who eventually went on to produce his own show called The Kitchen Sink, Fridays at 9am. I asked my friend Laurie Niles to come on board after a few years to help me because I had kids in sports on the weekends and didn’t want to miss that part of their lives. She’s been my permanent co-host alternating every other weekend. 2 Penny Opera is primarily an acoustic music show mixing folk, Americana, bluegrass and Celtic together. Laurie weaves her version with more bluegrass and Americana while I tend to favor older folk and Celtic influences. Many years ago, I heard Tim O’Brien and Darrel Scott play Darrel’s “It’s a Great Day to Be Alive” at the Calif World Music Festival. I thought that would be a great theme song for 2PO and it’s turned out to be a real crowd pleaser. I love playing music on Saturdays for anyone that wants to listen and we try to keep the music positive with a message of love. That’s what we need in this world, more love. The reason we end our show with The Beatles “All you Need is Love” is because our listeners will have that song bouncing around in their heads for a little while after the show ends… and maybe spread some of it around."