This station is a unique grassroots, independent radio station made possible by listeners like you. You have the power to help KZFR stay on the air for another 30 years.
11:15am, 7-1-2021
Pledge during our summer drive & you could win a full set of brand new tires!
2:46pm, 6-13-2021
You can still pledge your support to community radio & get the cool new cities deign on a tote bag or tank-top plus the castro cap is back! Pick yours out today.
2:17pm, 6-13-2021
This station is a unique grassroots, independent radio station made possible by listeners like you. You have the power to help KZFR stay on the air for another 30 years. Please, pledge your support to The Mighty Zephyr Today!
10:59am, 6-13-2021
Serving on the board of directors allows you, the listener, the member, and community partner, an opportunity to manage KZFR’s trajectory, community outreach and fundraising activities.
3:10pm, 5-29-2021
Yes we are! Visit our YouTube Channel to learn about the people who put the people, in people powered radio and enjoy some amazing music, too!
5:55pm, 5-28-2021
Catch the encore presentation on YouTube today!
10:22am, 5-17-2021
An inspirational 2 Part Series on YouTube
12:46pm, 5-11-2021