June 14, 2017 -- Mike Summers a certified Memphis Model CIT trainer, and Lisa Currier from Crisis Care Advocacy and Triage

A program focusing on Crisis Intervention Training, specifically the Memphis Model featuring Mike Summers, certified Memphis Model Trainer and Lisa Currier from the Chico based Crisis Care Advocacy and Triage

"The police only get about 6-hours of Police Academy training for something that becomes 50% of their workload. And I just say what could possibly go wrong?" -- Summers on the lack of disability training in the California Police Academy

"Its not a fix-all, it not a band-aid. You don't go up and do a Jedi mind-trick and everybody falls in line and does everything the officer wants them to do." -- Summers on what Crisis Intervention Training isn't

00:00 -- Top of the Hour
00:40 -- Show Theme
01:50 -- Show rundown
02:57 -- The 2017 Homeless Point in Time Survey, Adding it all up announcing the June
04:40 -- Lisa Currier with insight on the community event Mental Health and Community Powered Solutions
07:02 -- Underwriter
07:27 -- A conversation about Memphis Model Crisis Intervention Training with Mike Summers, CIT trainer
             Youtube archive available here >>> 
28:33 -- Signing of

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