June 4, 2020 -- People of Color: Lived experiences and the George Floyd jolt with David Phillips, Cory Himp Hunt and John LaPine

Butte County people of color sharing their lived experiences and insights on being black in a predominately white rural community. With David Phillips, the father of Desmond Phillips who was shot dead in his home by Chico police on a mental health wellness check in March of 2017. Joining the conversation is Cory Himp Hunt a local spoken word maestro and voice for the unheard and John LaPine, a Butte College English lecturer who grew up in Michigan in a mixed race family and moved to Butte County in August of 2018.

00:05 -- Show introduction with Guillermo Mash

01:43 -- introduction to David Phillips and Cory Himp Hunt conversing on being a POC in a rural racist county outside Bethel AME in Chico

43:46 -- Peace for Desmond by Cory Himp Hunt

46:03 -- John LaPine

  • 6:59pm Blackbird (Remastered 2009) by The Beatles on The Beatles (Remastered) (EMI Catalogue)
10:00pm, 5-4-2024
7:30pm, 5-4-2024
5:00pm, 5-4-2024
4:00pm, 5-4-2024
3:00pm, 5-4-2024