March 12, 2018 -- Chico Friends on the Street: Where's the Gorilla? Bob Erlenbusch, update on the Jesus Centers reaching out to their homeless clients for inputs on their proposed move to South Chico


"If it wasn't for the food I would be going hungry (laughs)." -- Doug at the Sunday Meal for Chico Friends on the Street, March 11, 2018

"What you can expect is what we do every week, try to do every week, is to hand out supplies like socks, toilet paper, some food. That's what our intention is today. What' going to happen after that I have no idea." -- Robert Jones with Chico Friends on the Streets Click here to view the Without a Roof Vignette, Chico Friends on the Streets; Where's the Gorillas?

00:00 -- Show Introduction
01:10 -- A shout out to Chico Housing Action Team's  Housing Now program and all of the amazing people that provide support to their residents. Includes an interview with Mark, a CHAT Housing Now resident. 
05:30 -- Lead-in for our feature segment on Chico Friends on the Street and the Action Now news story that ran titled "Guerrilla Feeding"
09:00 -- Audio portion of the Without a Roof vignette -- Chico Friends on the Street: Where's the Guerrillas?
15:35 -- Closing commentary and a shout out to the Chico Downtown Ambassadors
17:32 -- Lead-in for Bob Erlenbusch's interview post Jesus Center plan presentation from January, 2017 and an update.
18:09 -- Bob Erlenbusch, Executive Director of the Sacramento Regional Coalition to End Homelessness
25:57 -- Where we are 14-months later on engaging the homeless community for input on moving the Jesus Center

"Live simply so others may simply live." -- My Mom's favorite quote (source: Mahatma Gandhi)


  • 5:26pm Pulse by Basspartout on Revelation ( )
  • 5:27pm by on ( )