February 14, 2018 — Safe Space Winter Shelter including a tough conversation around defaming marginalized groups and Chico County Day School faculty and students discussing their 8th Grade class project on homelessness.


We lead the show with Pastor Jesse Kearns, Lead Pastor at First Christian Church [Disciples of Christ] Chico, CA sharing his congregation’s experience hosting the Safe Space Winter Shelter program the past three years, followed by a Without a Roof statement on the inflammatory and defamatory posts smearing Safe Space that was hosted on the Facebook Group:Chico Community Watch. The segment ends with an in studio conversation with Bob Trausch, a founder and current board member of CHAT - Chico Housing Action Team. Bob has good news to pass along regarding the rest of the winter shelter year for Safe Space!  

We end the program with educators and students from the 8th Grade Class project at Chico Country Day School on “Homelessness in Chico.” One student discusses her focus on LGBTQ+ youth and and the other student focuses on young woman experiencing homelessness. A beautiful bookend for the show.

““A radio showi s only as good as it’s guests and It was such a joy having the Chico Country Day students on air around their 8th grade class project on homelessness. It was a breathtaking segway from Safe Space, and the tough conversation around the prevalence of ignorant and dehumanizing language that all too often leads to violence against the houseless population, and a community that doesn’t feel that those Without Roof’s are worthy. Mallea’s closing comments focusing on the worth of everyone was full of honest empathy. What a timely way to end the show!” — Guillermo Mash 

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