Local Organizations Band Together

Thank you to EVERYONE who volunteered to staff our phones during our "Band Together" Fall 2024 Pledge Drive!

Especially to all of the local non-profit groups who answered the pledge line phones along with dedicated community members, programmers, committee and board members. 

Your volunteer time keeps independent community radio going strong which in turn gives everyone in our community a chance to be heard. Musicians, Activists, Artists & YOU!

Huge THANK YOU to...

530 Food Rescue - "We believe that good food belongs to people, not landfills; that technology can be used for good; and that people are wired to help – we just need to give them the opportunity."

Atheists of Butte County -  "A California north state association of Freethinkers, Humanists, Rationalists, Skeptics and Atheists united to provide members with meaningful social, educational, voluntary and advocacy activities."

Butte County Library - "We aim to support lifelong learning, advance literacy, and build strong communities in Butte County."

Butte County Local Food Network - "Our mission is to create a more healthy, just, resilient, regenerative local food system in Butte County and its foodshed."

Butte Environmental Council - "Our mission is to protect and defend the land, air and water of Butte County and the surrounding region."

Butte Film Festival - "Northern California's #1 Student Film Festival"

Butte Humane Society - "We are one of the oldest non-profit agencies in Butte County, California, working since 1911 to bring humanitarian care to dogs and cats. We are a Limited Admission shelter that strives to make our animals as comfortable as possible during their stay with us."

California Climate Action Corps - "Climate change is a growing threat to systems and people across the state. Each of us has a role to play. You can take meaningful action today to help communities across our state."

Chico Area Interfaith Council - "Exists to strengthen bonds among faith groups in service to the community. We provide educational programs to foster public understanding and tolerance, create opportunities for building relationships across lines of difference, and facilitate cooperation on community efforts that reflect the shared values of our diverse traditions.

Chico Housing Action Team - "The mission of the CHAT is to ensure that every person in our community has access to fair and adequate shelter and sanitation."

Chico Velo - "Chico Velo works very hard to advocate and educate our community and beyond about the benefits and joys of bicycling and non motorized means of transportation."

Chico Women's Club - "The building was inaugurated in 1913 with twenty-eight founding members, Annie Bidwell among them. Originally invoked as the Chico Art Club."

Community Action Agency of Butte County - "We envision communities where all residents engage in creating and benefiting from opportunities to thrive, achieve and enjoy life."

Education First - "EF High School Exchange Year is operated by EF Educational Foundation for Foreign Study, a non-profit corporation designated by the U.S. Department of State to operate a J-1 student exchange program. "

Explore Butte County - "Locat­ed in North­ern Cal­i­for­nia, where the fer­tile val­ley floor meets the recre­ation-rich Sier­ra Neva­da and Cas­cade moun­tain ranges, Butte Coun­ty exem­pli­fies how seem­ing­ly con­trast­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics — val­leys and moun­tains, rur­al com­mu­ni­ties and urban cen­ters, farms and cities — come togeth­er perfectly."

Friends of Butte Creek - "The Friends of Butte Creek work to protect, restore and enhance the natural habitats of wildlife in the Butte Creek Watershed."

From The Ground Up Farms - "We here at From The Ground Up Farms pledge to treat you, our neighbor, with respect and to do our very best to bring nutrition and life skills education, as well as, healthy food to your family at no cost."

Girls On The Run - "Fun, evidence-based programs that inspire participants to recognize their inner strength, increase their level of physical activity, imagine their possibilities, and confidently stand up for themselves and others."

Gold Nugget Museum - "Destroyed by the Camp Fire on November 8, 2018, was incorporated as Gold Nugget Days Inc. in 1973. Its mission has been to preserve and protect the Ridge heritage through the collection and display of local artifacts, and with community education programs."

Golden State Linen - "Our new board is a well-rounded group full of very exciting people; a teacher/artist, a civil engineer, an industrial tech with Blackbird instruments (made of flax), and a staff member from the Regenerative Agriculture department of California State University, Chico."

Habitat For Humanity of Butte County - "HFH brings people together to build homes, communities and hope."

Health Rural California - Helps remove obstacles to leading a full and healthy life and ensuring everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible.

Little Red Hen - "Our retail and horticulture departments employ 175 developmentally disabled adults, supported through the sales of items. 100% of our sales/donations benefit quality programs for children and adults with developmental disabilities."

Neighborhood Cat Advocates - "​Our mission is to reduce and possibly one day end the severe overpopulation of unowned cats in our community."

North State Shelter Team - "We're helping address Chico's lack of shelter while providing hygiene solutions."

Paradise Stronger - "Exists to be an asset to the Paradise community by inspiring and empowering."

Regenerating Paradise - "Formed in the wake of the Camp Fire with a mission “to weave the social fabric that regenerates us.” 

Safe Space Winter Shelter - providing low-barrier emergency shelter from December through March for people experiencing homelessness in Chico, California.

Soroptimist International of Chico - "Soroptimist means “best for women” and that’s what the organization strives to achieve. Soroptimists are women at their best, working to help other women to be their best."

True North Housing Alliance - "we meet people where they are on their path to making a better life for themselves. We offer a spectrum of services that move people forward and out of homelessness in Butte County with compassion, dignity, and accountability."

Tula Therapy - "We offer sliding scale sessions. Based on your specific need, you will meet with a therapist who most closely specializes in the support you deserve. "

Youth For Change - "Enhancing the well-being of children, individuals, families and communities."

We appreciate you all. Your volunteer time keeps independent community radio strong!

"I grew up at KZFR, and although I am leaving the station, I will use these skills in all of my future endeavors."
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