BOD Agenda - May 25, 2021

Golden Valley Community Broadcasters, Inc. KZFR Community Radio 

Board of Directors 



Board Meeting Date:            May 25, 2021 Location:                               

Virtual Meeting Commencement Time:   6:00 pm

Estimated Time

1.      Meeting Opening

1.1    Call to Order/Begin Recording/Welcome/Attendance

1.2    Amend/Approve Agenda

1.3    Amend/Approve Previous Minutes

1.4    Public Input/Correspondence

1-minute time limit per speaker

1.5    Announcements


15 minutes

2.      Action Items



0 minutes

3.      Staff and Committee Updates

3.1     Staff Reports

3.1.1      Interim GM Report – Grant

3.1.2      Office Manager Report – Grant

3.1.3      Underwriting Report – Ray

3.1.4      Volunteer Coordinator Report – Leah


3.2     Treasurer’s Report – John


3.3     Committee Reports

3.3.1      Executive Committee

3.3.2      Program Committee (PC)

3.3.3      Community Advisory Board (CAB)

3.3.4      Fundraising Committee

3.3.5      Document Review Committee

3.3.6      News Department Committee

3.3.7      Virtual Event Committee

35 minutes

4.             Matters for Discussion

4.1     Budget discussion

4.2     Discussion of changing BOD meeting schedule from 2 meetings to 1 per month

4.3     Board positions and recruitment

35 Minutes

5.             Meeting Finalization

5.1    Review Items for next BOD Agenda

5.2    Meeting Close/Thank You


Next BOD meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 6PM via Zoom.


1 Minute

6.             Closed Session


30 Minutes

Find the post on our Facebook or Instagram page & tag-a-friend for a chance to win 2 tickets!
3:03pm, 9-6-2024
The Touch of Chico is free to attend so bring all your friends for a fun afternoon in the park on Sun, Sept 15th. Get a massage and stick around to enjoy the music & food!
It’s up to each of us to take every precaution to protect our homes, and our neighborhoods.
5:18pm, 9-1-2024
Congratulations to the KZFR "Youth Radio Camp" graduating class of 2024! We look forward to hearing your voices on air soon.
Thanks to these Local Practitioners you'll have a wide variety of healing modalities to try at try at the Touch of Chico this year on Sept 15th!
12:55pm, 8-22-2024